Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bless God!

Well I am sorry for not posting in a long time, but this past year has been a good but hard year. I just realized I haven't posted on here in 2 years! I am very very sorry.. So anyway, God has really blessed me in the past 2 years.. :) I have gotten more Godly and Christian best friends and true friends. I have gotten a Christian boyfriend, who happens to be my first boyfriend ever. God has helped me to not completely exclude my friends and family because I have a boyfriend and I love that. I have also gotten closer to God because of the Bible study I have with my Christian friends. <3 My year has had a lot of hard choices and problems. I have had friend troubles and leadership problems with some people, but I also had many friendship highes and leadership goods. :) God has helped me through so many things in my life that had recently been ignored. I can't remember much more but Thansk be to God for everything that he has done for me! :D <3 I love God!
