Thursday, January 17, 2008

God is awesome!!! He made us in His image to honor Him.. He is awesome!! :-) I can't wait to see if I can go to Mexico for a missions trip.. Or NYC...


Emily Larsen said...

Yep, some of my friends are some teen [18 19] year old leaders, so they might be leading youth group for awhile.

That's really awesome you're going on a missions trip. What is this one for?

Unknown said...

umm... It doesn't matter. I check both whenever I'm on.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! i go to mexico for my summer camp too!!!! i looooooove it sooo much!! we go down there and build houses and lay cement and lots of stuff!! it's sooooooo awesome!!!! I've been to Greece on a missions trip also! it was sooooo awesome!! and really really pretty!

Anonymous said...

and that pic of you is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!

~Lauraborialice said...

Thanks for the compliment!! :-) Your luckly you got to go to Greece.. :-D Well, Your picture is pretty also!! :-)

Emily Larsen said...

That's fine. I haven't posted anything in a long time. I've also been ultra busy. Yuck.
Except tonight I'm very excited. I'm going to a show, should be fun.

You're so very lucky to be taking singing classes, I really want to take those.